FAC Family News: May

Heart to Heart

It’s a glorious May Day, as I sit down to write this newsletter. Blue skies, green grass, trees leafing out, and the sights & sounds of new life are all around us.

I love spring weather, when we see the dead leaves and brown lawns transformed by April showers with their life-giving water which nurtures the May flower gardens. It’s invigorating to feel the warmth of the sunshine, and to see fresh growth in every direction, as garden perennials and bushes burst into new life. What a great picture our God paints, of what He wants to do for each of us spiritually.

I know that we live in a fallen, broken world and that we will have our share of troubles & hardships. But what gives us eternal encouragement and good hope (2 Thess.2:16) is the knowledge that Christ has overcome the world. He died on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose again as God’s victory shout that death is defeated and sin’s dominion over mankind is over. These truths fuel our hope and put courage within us to keep fighting to do what’s right, no matter what. To that end, the apostle Paul prays for believers in a local church, to “be encouraged, and strengthened for every good deed and word” (v.17).

So, as you head out to sports events, put the boat in the water and make those first casts with your fishing pole, or enjoy planting your garden, may you see fresh reminders of God’s faithful love. May this be a month of gentle Holy Spirit rain showers, that nurture the Christ life within you. And may you also experience His fire from heaven, igniting fresh passion for the lost. Pray for a fresh infilling of His Spirit – over and over again. Do it again, LORD, just like you did at Pentecost!

Joyfully serving the LORD together with you,

Pastor A & Diana <><

FAC Family News: April

Heart to Heart

As I write this month’s newsletter, we are just days away from Palm Sunday which in the church world kicks off Holy Week, leading to Good Friday and then culminating with Resurrection Sunday. In other words, Easter is right around the corner.

I find myself wondering again what people outside the church think of Easter. Businesses try to make the most of the season with their Easter lily sales, along with the Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies & foil-wrapped eggs. Schools typically choose to remain neutral, going for a “spring celebration” theme.

I know here in Billings, as in so many other places, thousands of kids and their parents will head to one of the Easter Egg Hunts hosted by churches & other groups. From a kid’s perspective, Easter becomes all about gathering as many eggs as possible, so you can enjoy weeks of free candy. If you’re a dentist or work at the dentist office, you know there will be a sharp uptick in activity in the near future.

A good number of people still realize that churches often put on special programs during Easter. There will be big music cantatas accompanied by dramas or a series of gripping mini movies put up on the screen. Some churches will host “sunrise services” in places like the Rimrocks (which often means dealing with the cold and spring snow showers). Many churches like ours, will offer Easter brunches before or after the Sunday service. According to Barna, fewer people will plan to spontaneously “go to church” on Easter, but they will still come, if we invite them as our guests (hint: who are you giving your Easter invite cards to?).

And what about those of us within the church. What has Easter become in our hearts and lives?

I pray that at FAC, we will continue to make this season all about the Lord Jesus Christ. May we take time to reflect on the greatness of our Father’s love for a lost, broken, dying world – and Jesus’ wiliness to volunteer for the mission to come and save us. May our hearts marvel at Jesus’ humility and obedience – as He came not to be served, but to serve and offer His life as a ransom for many.

My hope is that we would rehearse in our heart, the steps Jesus took that led to the Cross. Ponder the pain of His betrayal as he shared a final Passover with His disciples. Remember how He was abandoned in the Garden, before being led away to be unjustly accused. May we weep at the injustice and brutality He experienced in our place. May we stand in awe as He allowed His life to become the exchange for Barabbas’ life. May our hearts bow in reverence & awe, as we hear the crucified Christ plead to the Father for our forgiveness, and then declare the penalty of sin paid in full for all time & eternity. May we linger at the Cross, as Christ died the death we deserve.

Then may we approach anticipation Easter Sunday, when the empty tomb was discovered. May our hearts be filled with joy that death could not hold Jesus, but that He triumphed and forever broke the power of death & sin. May our hearts leap at the news, “He is Risen!” May our voices shout out “He is Risen indeed! Our Savior, lives!!”

Beloved, Easter commemorates the greatest day ever!! Because on that glorious resurrection morning, the Risen Christ became living proof that God’s grace saves. Forgiveness has been extended. Our sin debt, cancelled. Christ’s righteousness applied. Eternal life purchased. Rebels reconciled & reunited with our heavenly Father. We are now fully accepted. Adopted as His sons and daughters. Welcomed in His presence. Gifted with the Holy Spirit. Infused with the hope of glory. All thru the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, shed on the Cross. Our Passover Lamb was slain, and then on the 3rd day raised back to life. He lives forevermore!! He is the very Son of God, our Savior. All praise and honor, glory and power to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! May we join with all heaven, in that Hallelujah song of praise.

This is Easter. This is the glorious Good News. And this is what you and I are to communicate to those around us.

May we be faithful to point people to Jesus. We proclaim Him!

Grateful to offer Help & Hope together – Pastor A & Diana <><

FAC Family News: March

Heart to Heart

Seven time zones, over 17,000 miles flown, 6 flights with multiple disruptions on the trip over to Dakar, but a much smoother ride on the way back (via Paris). Friends, it’s no small thing to take a team to West Africa!

But the trip was so worth the effort!! Phil, Bruce, Keaton, Gabi & I are so much richer and blessed, for having gone. We got to see our amazing IW teams in action, and our appreciation for them just grew even more. At the same time, we built new relationships with our national Senegalese brothers & sisters, that we trust will grow over time and strengthen this partnership. Another highlight of the trip was being able to spend time with the “MKs” (missionary kids). If you think raising kids is challenging here in the States, try another culture, with two other languages beyond your heart language, and the daunting task of helping your kids navigate how to live for Christ, in a place where the dominant religion is often hostile toward your faith.

I can assure you, however, that the Senegalese people we met and spent time with (whether they were Christians or “cousins”), were amazingly hospitable and very gracious to us. We enjoyed awesome meals, experienced many memorable “cultural moments”, and often found ourselves laughing at ourselves as we tried to remember the right word to say – Wow – wow!

We ministered to our IWs at a Retreat Night, early in our time there. We also got our hands dirty, helping build and weld a water tower for the Sport Center (for the village outreach), serving alongside our IWs in the Talibe ministry, had team members provide wound care, blood pressure tests, and encouragement to those who serve at the Girl’s Center. Phil taught some basic mechanic skills to the students at the Boy’s Center, and Pastor Adriaan & Bruce shared God’s Word with them before their class started. Once we drove back to Dakar, the guys got a fishing trip in with men from the Fishing Village, and we got a much more detailed picture of the challenges facing that group of people. On Sunday, Pastor Phil spoke (in French) at a Senegalese church, and brought a great message on Hope from Romans 15:13.

Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed a photo safari to the Bandia Game Preserve. On Monday, we ventured into downtown Dakar in search of souvenirs and had a great lunch at a place connected to someone who took a leadership seminar from other Alliance IWs. Then it was time for another adventure as we made our way to the airport and got ready for the long flight home.

We are committed to nurturing this global partnership, and look forward to having other people join future teams, as we continue to invest in what God is doing in West Africa.

Grateful to be teamed together with you – Pastor A <><

FAC Family News: February

Heart to Heart

I’m sitting at my desk, writing this newsletter, knowing I’m already a few days late. Sorry about that, but my tired mind and body are reminding me how demanding last month was.

On the one hand, we experienced a series of deep losses within our FAC family, as first Sherri and then Allene, stepped into eternity. The difficult circumstances of Sherri’s death weighed heavily on everyone. I’m so grateful though, for the way our FAC family stepped up to help with the search, to provide meals, and to pray for Dallas and his family. You have lived out our vision statement well, to be “a church where help and hope” can be experienced, as we serve sacrificially!

At the same time, we were ministering comfort & care to Jeff & Nola, as he continues to battle terminal cancer. We also supported the Reiter family, as Allene came down with severe pneumonia and was placed first in the ICU at St V’s, and then moved to the Advanced Care hospital. She finished her race of faith on January 31st. Allene’s Memorial Service will be Feb.13th @ 11am.

I say all this, to express what so many of us are feeling. The deep sadness and weight that comes from losing people we love. We feel both the heartache and the emptiness when a friend & loved one is taken by death. But once again, we’ve found comfort in the Lord Jesus, who draws us close and bears our burdens. We believe and declare that Christ is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble (Ps 46:1). Loss & heartache do not overwhelm us; we aren’t crushed by our raw emotions, even though it can feel like our whole world has been turned upside down. The Psalmist reminds us, “the LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” v.7. He can help our tears to dance.

In the midst of these losses, we have also been running hard to prepare for Team Senegal’s trip to West Africa. We have an awesome team of 5 (Phil, Bruce, Keaton, Gabi and yours truly), who are collecting gifts, tools and medical supplies to take with us. Our funding is all in place. We fly out early Friday morning, on Feb. 17th.

We are excited to join our Alliance IW in the global work of “making disciples.” As soon as we land in Dakar, we will drive up-country to SL. We anticipate assisting with a new Mechanic’s School, and serving a new group of Talibe boys (who live on the streets), at the national church’s Boy’s Center. We will also engage with a nearby Girls School, and get to know the Pastor and people of a local Wolof church. Later, we will drive back to Dakar to join the McCabes & DeVrooms (CAMA workers) and join them in ministering to some of the most vulnerable (unreached) people in Senegal.

As we go, would you lift us up in prayer? You can sign up to pray while we are gone, at the lunch on Feb.5th. We are looking for people to pray daily for Team Senegal and have specific things we’re asking prayer for. If you need more information or have questions, talk with Lynn Sloan.

Our mission’s goal is to become a “glocal church”. “What in the world is that,” you might ask? A glocal church loves and ministers Christ to its own community, while simultaneously joining international workers to show and tell of Jesus’ love to the unreached in our world.

May our hearts & souls be renewed this month, as we invite Jesus to lift our burdens & sorrows, with the comfort of His great love. May we also seek Holy Spirit power, to enable us to effective point others to Christ, and see a spiritual harvest as we run the race of faith.

Grateful for your partnership in the Gospel,

Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><

FAC Family News: January

Heart to Heart

For most of us, December 25th marks the end of Christmas, and now it’s time to race into the new year. But truth be told, Christmas Day actually brings the Advent season to a close, but there’s still 12 more days to Christmas. That’s more than a catch phrase for a song. If you study a church calendar, you will discover that January 6th is when many within the orthodox Church, count as their Christmas day.

So why draw attention to this? Because I want to invite you to savor all of Christmas, and not miss out on the heavenly fragrance that accompanies the longer Christmas story. Dr. Luke certainly saw Christ’s coming in those terms, as he sandwich’s Jesus’ birth account with the testimony of two aged saints. The Christmas story included circumcision & a naming ceremony of the newborn child on the 8th day (Luke 2:21). Then, 40 days later, when Mary’s time of ceremonial purification had come to an end, the young couple took their 1 1/2 month old to the Temple, so that baby Jesus might be dedicated to the LORD, in accordance to the law (Luke 2:22-24). Having few financial resources, Joseph and Mary provided the sacrifice required – 2 doves.

Only then are we introduced to the final two people who play such a key role in confirming the identity of Jesus as the Christ. Simeon & Anna – people passionate for God and earnestly doing everything in their power, to help bring about the coming of the Christ.

Simeon is a man in tune with the Spirit, who has been given God’s promise that before he dies, he will physically see the Christ. And thru the nudging of the Spirit, Simeon’s walk thru the Temple courts that day, cause him to providentially meet Mary & Joseph as they come with baby Jesus. The Spirit opens Simeon’s eyes to see in this newborn baby, the living Hope of God’s Messiah. Finally, his one box bucket list can be checked off. “My eyes have seen your salvation...!” 2:29.

Anna is doing what she’s done for decades: investing her life in worship, fasting and prayer as she waits for God to console Israel by sending His Christ (2:37). She finds herself in the right place at the right time, to hear Simeon’s words of blessing & prayer. Imagine if Anna had decided not to go to the Temple that day, because her bones ached or she felt tired... What a missed opportunity that would have been.

Instead, Anna adds her prophetic voice to Simeon’s prayer, and celebrates God’s goodness in sending the Messiah. She spreads the news to others who shared in this blessed hope.

Beloved, is that not what God has for you and I in 2023? To be faithful in praying for Christ to come again, and doing our part to spread the Gospel to those who are still lost without Jesus? We too live in the shadow of His coming – His 2nd coming.

May we do our part, to pray and to spread the news about the Lord Jesus Christ. May we have the joy of seeing many in 2023, experience the miracle of Christmas, when Christ is born within their hearts. Let message and ministry of Christmas, continue throughout this new year!

Joyfully partnering with you,

Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><