Heart to Heart
It seems like we arrived at March Madness a little early this year. In the span of just 7 days, we’ve shifted from daily snow squalls with feet of snow, plus frigid -40 windchill temps, to mild spring weather with highs in the 50s and breezy conditions. Soon, all that snow and bitter winter weather will be a distant memory (we hope...).
Of course, March is well known for a different kind of March Madness. College basketball teams are playing hard to qualify for the NCAA tournament that caps the season. The First Four matches will be in Dayton, Ohio, on March 18-19. Next come the first- and second-round games (March 20-23) followed by the Sweet 16 weekend on March 27-30. Auburn has been ranked as a favorite to win this year, but in typical March Madness fashion, none of the winning teams from the First Four the last two years, were basketball powerhouses. It will be fun to see how it all plays out.
While I enjoy watching a good basketball game (especially if someone I know is playing), I find myself reflecting looking at the craziness of our recent March weather from another perspective. “In like a lamb & out like a lion” the saying goes. If you follow the Farmer’s Almanac weather predictions, then there’s more crazy weather on the way in mid March. No doubt, some will be quoting the “lion & the lamb” adage. But it does seem fitting, as we move from March to Easter on April 20th.
In the Scriptures, the “Lion and the Lamb” are two titles that Jesus carries as He fulfills His calling to be the Savior of mankind. When the Son of God pitched His tent amongst us (John 1:14), He came as heaven’s chosen Lamb. John the Baptist challenged his followers to “behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” – pointing to Jesus (John 1:29).
The “Lamb of God,” brings to mind the substitute God made for Isaac in Genesis 22. Abraham had been commanded to go to a mountain God would show him, and offer up his one and only son as a sacrifice to YHWH. But at the last instant, Isaac was spared, and the blood of a substitute sacrifice was shed in his place. This pictures the crazy love that is the heart of the Gospel as Jesus came to be our Substitute, dying our death, so that we might be given eternal life.
One of this year’s March Madness events will be a gathering of people in many churches across the nation on March 5th, to receive a smudge mark of ash on their forehead, to commemorate Ash Wednesday. This marks the start of Lent, when people give something up in order to focus more intentionally on what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
But Jesus’ story doesn’t end with His death on that Friday. When all hope seemed lost, and He had been dead & buried for three days, Christ rose victoriously from the grave. Forty days later, the triumphant Risen Christ ascended into heaven, to take His rightful place next to the heavenly Father. He now rules from heaven’s throne, until the promised Day when He will return to gather His people to Himself.
While Jesus still bears the marks of the Cross on His resurrected body, the Day is soon coming when He will return with power and great majesty, to establish His forever kingdom. On that Day, Jesus will appear as the Lion of Judah and time as we know it, will suddenly come to an end.
March weather madness is nothing compared to what happens when the Lion returns to the earth. The cosmos will shake, the sun & moon will go dark, stars will fall from the sky (Matthew 24:29). Then the sign of the Son of Man will be revealed, and all the peoples of the earth will mourn as the Lion of Judah appears (24:30). On that Day, Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats, and all humanity will be sent to their eternal destination. Do you long to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant?”
Does life seem wild and unpredictable right now? You can know His peace, and be sure of your eternal future, as you place your trust in Him. Put your faith in the only One who saves – the Lord Jesus Christ. Then another saying will prove true - we are indeed “safe in the arms of Jesus.”
Pastor Adriaan & Diana <><
Onward, upward, to greater glory (Phil.3:14) - EXCELSIOR